Wong Ping

B.1984,Hong Kong,Works in Hong Kong

Wong Ping works in animation, painting, sculpture and installation. Based on his close observations of city life and human interaction, Wong track the ways we attempt to negotiate our intimate needs and impulses. Often confronting the taboos that keep social life in check, his darkly humorous works speak what typically cannot be spoken, and offer a surreal meditation on anxiety, loneliness, and erotic (dis)connections in the 21st century.

Wong studied multimedia design at Curtin University, Perth, after which he returned to Hong Kong to begin a career in broadcasting. He founded Wong Ping Animation Lab in 2014. Wong has been commissioned to create works by significant institutions including ICA Miami; Kunsthalle Basel; Guggenheim, New York; M+, Hong Kong and NOWNESS. He has presented solo exhibitions at the Times Art Center Berlin (2022); Kunsthall Stavanger (2022); New Museum, New York (2021); SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah (2020); Centre Pompidou, Paris (2019); Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami (2019); Camden Arts Centre, London (2019); and Kunsthalle Basel (2019). His animations have been shown in film festivals worldwide such as the Film Festival Rotterdam, Sundance Film Festival, London Short Film Festival, and Kino der Kunst.